Packages Build Issues

Package Version Description Repository
python-schedule 1.0.0 Python job scheduling for humans archstrike
python-selenium 4.3.0 A browser automation framework and ecosystem archstrike
python-smoke-zephyr 2.0.1 Python utility collection archstrike
python-spark 1.8.9 An Early-Algorithm Context-free grammar Parser archstrike
python-sqlalchemy-utc 0.11.0 SQLAlchemy type to store aware datetime values archstrike
python-stix An API for parsing and generating STIX content. archstrike
python-stringcase 1.2.0 String case converter archstrike
python-tinyec-git 0.3.1.r2.gd187fdb A tiny library to perform arithmetic operations on elliptic curves in pure python archstrike
python-tls_parser 1.2.2 Small library to parse TLS records archstrike
python-trio-websocket 0.9.2 WebSocket client and server implementation for Python Trio archstrike
python-uncompyle6 3.8.0 Python byte-code disassembler and source-code converter. archstrike
python-urllib-auth-git r56.e6569dd library that provides NTLM/SPNEGO/SSPI support archstrike
python-vipermonkey-git 20210303.r1494 A VBA parser and emulation engine to analyze malicious macros archstrike
python-virustotal-api 1.1.11 Virus Total Public/Private/Intel API archstrike
python-win-unicode-console 0.5 PA Python package to enable Unicode support when running Python from Windows console archstrike
python-win_inet_pton-git r12.57e3558 Native inet_pton and inet_ntop implementation for Python on Windows archstrike
python-xbee 2.3.2 Python tools for working with XBee radios archstrike
python-xdis 6.0.3 Python cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines. archstrike
python-xlutils 2.0.0 Utilities for working with Excel files archstrike
python-xpath-expressions 1.0.2 Treat XPath expressions as Python objects archstrike
python-yaswfp 0.9.3 Yet Another SWF Parser archstrike
python-zlib_wrapper 0.1.3 Wrapper around zlib with custom header crc32. archstrike
python2-instalooter 2.0.0 A program that can download any picture or video associated from an Instagram profile archstrike
quicksand_lite 1.01.001 Command line tool for scanning streams within office documents plus xor db attack archstrike
rainbowcrack 1.8 Password cracker based on the faster time-memory trade-off. With MySQL and Cisco PIX Algorithm patches archstrike
rbasefind 0.1.3 A brute-force base address scanner based written in Rust archstrike
reaver-wps-fork-t6x-git 1.6.6.r21.gbd0f382 Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup forked w/ added Pixie Dust Attack archstrike
recon-ng-git 20210824.r1021 A full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python. archstrike
recoverjpeg 2.6.3 Recover jpegs from damaged devices archstrike
redfang 2.5 Finds non-discoverable Bluetooth devices by brute-forcing the last six bytes of the Bluetooth addresses and calling read_remote_name() archstrike
redirectpoison 1.1 A tool to poison a targeted issuer of SIP INVITE requests with 301 (i.e. Moved Permanently) redirection responses. archstrike
redpoint-git 20160308.r123 Digital Bond's ICS Enumeration Tools archstrike
reglookup 1.0.1 Command line utility for reading and querying Windows NT registries archstrike
rfidtool 0.01 A opensource tool to read / write rfid tags archstrike
ridenum-git r75.9e3b89b Rid_enum is a null session RID cycle attack for brute forcing domain controllers. archstrike
rifiuti2 0.7.0 A rewrite of rifiuti, a great tool from Foundstone folks for analyzing Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 file. archstrike
ropeme 1.0 ROPME is a set of python scripts to generate ROP gadgets and payload. archstrike
rr-git 20210901.r5691 A Record and Replay Framework archstrike
rsmangler 1.5 Takes a wordlist and perform various manipulations on it similar to those done by John the Ripper with a few extras. archstrike
rspet-git 20171014.r263 Python based reverse shell equipped with functionalities that assist in a post exploitation scenario archstrike
rtlamr-git 384.v0.9.3.r13.g28f3f2c0 An rtl-sdr receiver for smart meters operating in the 900MHz ISM band. archstrike
ruby-artii 2.1.2 A little Figlet-based ASCII art generator. archstrike
ruby-colored 1.2 >> puts 'this is red'.red >> puts 'this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)'.red_on_blue... archstrike
ruby-gtkhex 0.2.0 A ruby GTK2 hexadecimal widget archstrike
ruby-highline 2.0.3 A high-level text user interface toolkit for Ruby archstrike
ruby-http_configuration 1.0.4 Gem that provides the ability to set defaults for proxies and timeouts for Net::HTTP. archstrike
ruby-mime 0.4.4 library for building RFC compliant Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) messages. archstrike
ruby-mini_exiftool 2.10.2 This library is wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application ( archstrike
ruby-rubyzip 2.3.2 A ruby module for reading and writing zip files. archstrike
ruby-spider 0.5.4 A Web spidering library archstrike
ruby-zip 2.0.2 zip is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files archstrike

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