You can contribute to the project by fixing problems in PKGBUILD files which are used to build packages. The best way to build your PKGBUILD's is in a clean chroot environment.
Run the following commands to initialize your chroot environment for building ArchStrike packages.
# pacman -S devtools
$ mkdir -p ~/chroot # chroot can be anything that you want, it's just the name for your chroot folder
$ wget # this downloads the x86_64 makepkg config for the chroot
$ wget # this downloads the x86_64 pacman config for the chroot
$ CHROOT=$HOME/chroot # define the CHROOT variable, you will want to put this in your bashrc/zshrc for persistence
# mkarchroot -C pacman.conf -M makepkg.conf $CHROOT/root base-devel # this initializes the chroot environment
If you're experiencing problems with the mirrors, generate a pacman mirrorlist using reflector
and replace your /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
file with the new mirrorlist.
First, make sure your chroot is up to date.
# arch-nspawn $CHROOT/root pacman -Syyu
To build a package in the chroot, go into the directory containing the PKGBUILD
file for your package.
$ makechrootpkg -c -r $CHROOT
The -c flag makes sure that the $CHROOT is cleaned before building anything.
You might want to test packages in the chroot. You will need to install the package to the chroot in order to do that.
# makechrootpkg -c -r $CHROOT -- -i
This will initialize a clean chroot, build the package on it then install the package.
You can then test if your package is working properly:
# arch-nspawn $CHROOT/$USER <executable_name_of_package>
If you have questions or didn't understand something, contact or PM one of the developers in our IRC channel (#archstrike @