ArchStrike Wiki

Acer Chromebook R13

Part 1 - Installing ArchlinuxARM

Go to the ALARM Install guide and install ALARM on your device by following the steps.

Part 2 - Installing ArchStrike

I. Install the Repository


  • This guide assumes you already have a working copy of Arch Linux ARM
  • Lines beginning with # are command line operations that should be run as root or using sudo
  • Lines beginning with $ are command line operations that can be run as either root or a user

1. Setup the master ArchStrike repository mirror

Add the following to the bottom of your /etc/pacman.conf:

Server =$arch/$repo

Refresh the pacman package database by running:

# pacman -Syy

2. Bootstrap and install the ArchStrike keyring

Initialize the pacman keyring and start dirmngr, then import and sign the key used to sign the archstrike-keyring package:

# pacman-key --init
# dirmngr < /dev/null
# pacman-key -r 9D5F1C051D146843CDA4858BDE64825E7CBC0D51
# pacman-key --lsign-key 9D5F1C051D146843CDA4858BDE64825E7CBC0D51

3. Install required packages

Install archstrike-keyring and archstrike-mirrorlist to import the keyring and setup the mirrorlist:

# pacman -S archstrike-keyring
# pacman -S archstrike-mirrorlist

4. Configure pacman to use the mirrorlist

Open /etc/pacman.conf and replace the following block you added above:

Server =$arch/$repo

with a new block that uses the mirrorlist instead:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/archstrike-mirrorlist

Refresh the pacman package database again to reflect the changes above by running:

# pacman -Syy

II. Groups and Packages

The list of ArchStrike packages from each repository can be viewed by running:

$ pacman -Sl archstrike

The list of ArchStrike groups available can be viewed by running:

$ pacman -Sg | grep archstrike

The list of packages in a specific group can be viewed by running:

$ pacman -Sgg | grep archstrike-<groupname>